Steel pump covers are used for protecting residential pumps from the weather. Pump covers are highly recommended whenever an electric pump is exposed to the weather, and is proven to extend pump life.
This model is made using Colorbond Steel to match steel water tanks. This model is open at the ends, please note that in some situations this type of pump cover won't entirely preotect a pump from the weather.
External Dimensions: Length: 500mm, Width: 520mm, Height: 600mm
Internal Dimensions: Length: 500mm, Width: 460mm, Height: 550mm in the center, 350mm at the sides.
Colours Available, Zincalume/Galvanised, Monument®/Charcoal, Woodland Grey®/Slate, Basalt®/Boulder Grey, Shale Grey®, Surfmist®/Off White, Jasper®/Autumn Brown, Paperbark®/Merino, Dune®/Birch Grey, Windspray®/Armor Grey, Pale Eucalypt®/Mist Green.
COLORBOND® and ®colour names are registered trademarks of BlueScope Steel Limited
Please note that a pump cover does not effectively protect a pump from ground water; always ensure sufficient drainage from the pump position to prevent ground water flooding the pump.